I will be having a show this May in 2025 at the Goose in Chico and decided to make as many paintings as I can.
What to paint, I asked myself. I flip through my sketchbook often and my doodle style resembles some post-impressionistic cubism half the time. Doodling shapes, shading them, abstracting faces, very Picasso-esque.
Why not paint them? I have before. I often paint from thumbnails or unfinished thoughts, doodles in margins, scribbles. The initial energy exists in the thumbnail. The idea, the layout, the feeling. I constantly thumbnail miniature pieces.
Inevitably, I flip to a page in my sketchbook and bring it to life. Not all are winners, but the progress of painting an entire painting in one sitting and moving to the next is helping me learn about the shapes I like, the themes that emerge and the colors I mix. (One theme I leaned into is that of staircases. I often love photographing them, and currently I traverse a huge staircase to get to my studio each day)
So, stay tuned and come out to the show in May at the Goose in Chico!